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Eighty8 10-OH-HHC Flower Super Strong Mimosa, 25 % 10-OH-HHC, 1 - 3,5 g

Eighty8 10-OH-HHC Flower Super Strong Mimosa, 25 % 10-OH-HHC, 1 - 3,5 g


New 10-OH-HHC flowers from Eighty8 company. More

Product code: 8594203248199 Weight: 0.05 kgShipping and Payment

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New 10-OH-HHC flowers from Eighty8 company. More

Product code: 8594203248199 Weight: 0.05 kgShipping and Payment


  • Weight: 1; 3,5 g
  • Strain: Mimosa
  • 10-OH-HHC content: 25 %
  • THC content: less than 0,1 %


Křimická 809/5
318 00 Plzeň 3-Skvrňany
Czech Republic

Products have undergone extensive laboratory analysis to ensure the absence of synthetic cannabinoids. We prioritize quality and safety in products to provide you with the best experience possible. 

Product in accordance with Act §5 No. 167/1998. Designed for industrial, technical and horticultural purposes. Not intended for direct consumption or smoking. The product is subject to natural weight loss. Prohibition of sales under 18 years of age. Keep out of reach of children.

Upon sale (at the store / via a transport service / via another dispensing point), the seller will verify that the buyer is not under 18 years of age.



THC content less than 0,1 %
Number of grams 1 gram, 3,5 grams
Product form Herbs / Flowers
10-OH-HHC content in % 25 %
THC content less than 0,1 %
Number of grams 1 gram, 3,5 grams
Product form Herbs / Flowers
10-OH-HHC content in % 25 %